Since several years Xavier Degueldre has developed a creative approach to Divert the first use of everyday objects and turn it into a design object. Fashion TV: he is one of the 2 founders and leaders. Diverting television from its first use, he imagined a tv chanel combining amazing images with high-quality music. Later on, it is in France that this young father finds the way of his new great adventure. It was the day his son Maximilian asked him where the old shopping carts go after their death? Xavier sees there the opportunity to finally mix his passion for the design and his wish of a better planet. At the same time he was offering his son the best answer ever. The project KART by DEGUELDRE will be based on the recycling of used shopping carts into chairs or armchairs. A year of study, testing and dozens of prototypes are needed to reach this little miracle: create from the most impersonal object of consumption a desirable, sustainable and design object: the « KART by DEGUELDRE » is born.